Northern Ontario Party Constitution

Created July 9, 2016
Last Revision May 18, 2019

Shawn Poirier, Party Leader May 18, 2019
Gary Schaap, Party President May 18, 2019

Created July 9, 2016 Last
Revision May 18, 2019

  • Article 1 - Definitions

    “Candidate” means the official candidate of the Party in an Electoral District.
    “Caucus” means the Northern Ontario Party Members of the Legislature.
    “CFO” means the Chief Financial Officer
    “Northern Ontario Party” means the Northern Ontario Party Formed as Northern Ontario Heritage Party in 1977 but renamed July 2016.
    “Constitution” means this Constitution.
    “Electoral District” means those electoral districts as defined by the Legislature.
    “Electronic submission” means via the use of electronic mail (e-mail).
    “Executive” means the Executive Board of the Party.
    “Headquarters” means the location from which Party matters are administered.
    “Leader” means the Leader of the Party.
    “Legislature” means the Legislative Assembly for the Province of Ontario.
    “Nomination” means the process by which a member of the Party becomes the official candidate in an Electoral District.
    “Notice given in writing” means delivery by mail, hand or electronic mail (e-mail), unless the recipient has agreed that facsimile (fax) notice is preferred and/or acceptable.
    “Party” means the Northern Ontario Party, formerly known as the “Northern Ontario Heritage Party”.
    “President” means the President of the Party.
    “Recognized Association” means a Riding Association of the Party pursuant to Article 4 herein.
    “Registry” means the Provincial Party Membership Registry as administered by the Party.
    “Riding Association” means a Northern Ontario Party constituency association.
    “Riding Executive” means the Executive Riding Board of a Northern Ontario Party Constituency association.

  • Article 2 - Statement of Principles

    2.1 The following are the aims and principles of the Party:

    We believe in the development and growth of Northern Ontario and the people of Northern Ontario.
    We believe in freedom of speech, worship and assembly, in loyalty to Canada and to the Monarch of Canada and in the rule of law.
    We believe in the representation of the people and the interests and needs of the people.
    We believe government should serve the people and that progress requires a competitive economy, which, accepting its social responsibilities, allows every individual freedom of opportunity and initiative and the peaceful enjoyment of the fruits of his or her own labour.
    We believe in the ethical and accountable execution of the business of government.
    We believe in being for the people, by the people and of the people.
    We believe that the interests of (Northern) Ontario are best served by a strong, united and democratic Canada.
    We believe that economic freedom, entrepreneurial spirit and the right to private property are essential to economic prosperity and political freedom.
    We believe in the values of the family which encourage tolerance and mutual support.
    We believe in focusing on not just tomorrow but also future generations.
    We believe that social justice entails equality of opportunity, including fair and equal treatment for all (Northern) Ontarians and the provision of support to those in need.
    We believe in and accept our responsibilities for the preservation of (Northern) Ontario’s heritage and cultural diversity and the conservation and renewal of our environment for present and future generations.

    2.2 The Executive of the Party and its Recognized Associations shall, whenever possible, attempt to improve public awareness of, and promote, the Principles of the Party, as described in paragraph 2.1.

  • Article 3 - Objects

    3.1 The following are the objects of the Party:

    (a) To promote good government for the people of Ontario.
    (b) To assist in the election of Party candidates to the Legislature.
    (c) To assist in and, where necessary, to initiate the establishment, growth and maintenance of Party Riding Associations in each Electoral District in Ontario with focus on Northern Ontario.
    (d) To provide a forum for the membership of the Party to participate in political discussion and to advise with respect to Party policy.
    (e) To call and conduct Party conventions and meetings.
    (f) To have democratic leadership by having an elected executive and elected Riding Executives by the members of the party.
    (g) To cooperate with, and assist like-minded Parties in other Provinces and Territories of Canada.

  • Article 4 - Recognition

    4.1 “Recognized” means:

    (a) In the case of Riding Associations, such Riding Associations as may be recognized from time to time in each Electoral District by the Executive.

    4.2 In each of the cases described in paragraph 4.1 above, “Recognition” shall be extended to and maintained by only those Riding Associations which have submitted to the Party Board:

    a) Proof of having had an annual meeting and having elected officers in accordance with such constitution, unless such association has obtained a waiver by the Board, in each calendar year; or, in the case of a new Recognized Association, proof of having had a founding meeting and having fulfilled the requirements of a founding meeting as set out by the Board.
    (b) A copy of their current list of executive members including positions, names, addresses, telephone and (where available) facsimile numbers and e-mail addresses.

    4.3 Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph 4.2 above, a Riding Association shall remain a recognized Riding Association until such time as the Executive withdraws recognition of such Riding Association, the Board elects by majority that the Riding Association has failed to complete 4.2 in a timely manner or Riding Association executives fail to renew their memberships.

    4.4 Upon compliance with subparagraphs 4.2 (a) and (b), recognition shall be acknowledged by the Board by the issuance of an annual certificate of recognition.

    4.5 For the purposes of delegate selection, recognition shall not be extended to any Recognized Association not recognized six months prior to the date of a special or general meeting as called by the Executive.

    4.6 The six-month requirement in paragraph 4.5 shall be waived in the case of new Riding Associations which,
    (a) Are created as a direct result of electoral redistribution;
    (b) Are, effectively, successor Riding Associations to pre redistribution Riding Associations which were formerly in good standing; and
    (c) Have fully complied with each of the requirements of paragraph 4.2.

  • Article 5 - Recognized Associations

    5.1 Each recognized Association shall adopt a constitution for the governance of its affairs and shall submit such constitution and any amendments to the Party Board for approval. In addition to any other matter set forth therein, every such constitution shall provide that:
    (a) Any person who has attained the age of fourteen (14) years, who supports the Statement of Principles and the Objects of the Constitution and of the constitution of the recognized Association, shall be entitled to be a member of the Association upon payment of the fee set pursuant to Article 7 and compliance with the membership provisions of the Association constitution.
    (b) Eligibility for membership in the recognized Association shall be without regard to race, origin, religion or sex.
    (c) Subject to the provisions of this Constitution, an annual meeting of the members of the recognized Association for the election of officers and directors shall be held once in each calendar year.
    (d) The executive of the recognized Association shall hold at least four (4) meetings in each calendar year.
    (e) Notice of any annual, special, or delegate selection meeting shall be given in writing to each member of record at least fifteen (15) days in advance of the meeting. Additional notice may also be given in the newspaper or newspapers having daily or weekly circulation within the Riding.
    (f) Every annual or special general meeting, or delegate selection meeting of the members of the recognized Association shall be open, public and democratic.
    (g) Standard Parliamentary procedures shall be followed at all such meetings. In the event of dispute as to any procedure at any general or special meeting or delegate selection meeting, of the members of a recognized Association, Governence shall be maintained and led by the president.
    (i) Memberships must be processed and approved by the board of directors. Membership numbers are assigned by the following format numerically:
    (YEAR MONTH DAY ORDER OF PAYMENT) ex, 20160709001

    5.2 The Executive may at any time require that any Recognized Association submit its constitutions and executive lists to the Executive in order that the Executive may determine whether the Association meets the requirements of this Constitution and applicable rules. The constitutions, and executive lists shall be submitted by the Recognized Association to the Secretary of the Party within fifteen (15) days of the receipt of such a request.

    5.3 Recognized Associations must submit all membership applications to the Secretary of the Party within seven (7) days of the receipt of the application

    5.4 Forty (40) percent of Membership fees collected by Associations are to be sent directly to the CFO of the Party to be deposited in the Party Bank Account.

    5.5 In the event that the Executive determines that the Association fails to meet the requirements of this Constitution or applicable rules, or in the event that the Recognized Association has not submitted its constitutions, membership, fees and executive lists within the time set out in paragraph 5.2 to 5.4, the Executive shall notify the Recognized Association of the violation and the Recognized Association shall have thirty (30) days in which to comply or ninety (90) days should constitutional change be required. Failing adequate compliance, recognition may be withdrawn and the Association shall thereupon cease to be a Recognized Association for the purposes of this Constitution or the Executives of the Recognized Association will be removed from their positions and an election is held to fill the positions that are open.

    5.6 The procedure employed by the Executive with respect to the review of the compliance of a Recognized Association with this Constitution shall be in accordance with the principles of natural justice.

    5.7 Subject to this Constitution and under the rules and regulations advised by the Party Executive from time to time, a nomination convention for the selection of a candidate shall be held.

    5.8 Every Candidate Nomination Convention shall be open, public and democratic.

    5.9 Standard Parliamentary Procedure shall be followed at all such conventions. In the event of a dispute as to any procedure at any convention for the election of a candidate to the Legislature, the Executive board will rule on the dispute.

    5.10 It is recognized that each recognized Riding Association shall comply with the provisions of the applicable laws of the Province of Ontario. In the event that a recognized Riding Association fails to comply with the provisions of the applicable laws of the Province of Ontario, the Executive may withdraw recognition from that Riding Association and the Riding Association shall then cease to be a recognized Riding Association for the purposes of this Constitution. In the event that a recognized Riding Association is deregistered by the Commission on Election Finances, recognition may be withdrawn from the Riding Association and such Riding Association shall then cease to be a recognized Riding Association for the purposes of this Constitution.

    5.11 Each Riding Chief Financial Officer and Campaign Chief Financial Officer, when filing, respectively, the Riding or Candidate Statements of Income and Expenses with the Commission on Election Finances shall concurrently forward a copy of such return to the Chief Financial Officer of the Party at Headquarters.

    5.12 Normally the Riding Chief Financial Officer should act as the Campaign Chief Financial Officer. Where this is not possible, there should be co-operation and communication between the two financial officers. Each Riding Chief Financial Officer and Campaign Chief Financial Officer shall provide each other with information in a timely manner.

    5.13 All Association board members MUST be an active member of the party. If the membership is not renewed within 21 days after expiration on the 22 nd day at 11:59:59pm the board member forfeits their position and it will become vacant and an the election progress will begin.

  • Article 6 - Membership

    6.1 Membership in the Party shall be open to persons of fourteen (14) years of age or over, without regard to race, origin, religion or sex. Members must be residents of Ontario and uphold this Constitution.

    6.2 Fees for membership in all Recognized Associations shall be set at:
    1 Year – $10
    2 Years – $18
    3 Years – $25
    Fees are to be divided as per paragraph 5.4
    6.2(i) A member can upgrade their memberships length by paying the balance within sixty (60) days of membership purchase. (Ex. Purchased a membership 7 days ago for 1 year then decides they wanted a 3 year they can submit an additional $15 to have the membership extended to the 3 years.)

    6.3 Membership may be acquired by:
    a) Directly from the Recognized Associations
    b) Directly from the Party/Executives
    c) Party website
    d) Membership Drives, campaigns or events

    6.4 Members in good standing who have played an active role may submit their name for positions that become vacant, executive, Board Executive or Candidate.

    6.5 Memberships received directly by a recognized association must submit the application to the party secretary to receive a member number.

    6.6 All membership payments are to be made out to Northern Ontario Party or Riding Association.

    6.7 Members will not negatively cause harm or unjust/illegal activity or comments that may impact the party. In doing so this will affect article 6.4 and may result in their removal.

  • Article 7 - Member Recruitment System and Provincial Party Membership Registry

    .1 The purpose of the Member Recruitment System is to encourage and facilitate the recruitment of new members in a manner that respects the role of Recognized Associations.

    7.2 The Party Membership Registry is the official record of members of the Party.

    7.3 By the last Friday of each month, the Secretary shall provide to Recognized Associations the names, addresses and allocated fees related to memberships sold through the Member Recruitment System.

    7.4 Subject to eligibility and compliance with this Constitution and the rules, membership takes effect when the application and fee are received,
    (a) By a Recognized Association, in the case of membership acquired through the association; or
    (b) By the Secretary, in the case of membership acquired through the Member Recruitment System.

    7.5 All memberships, whether acquired through Recognized Associations or through the Member Recruitment System, shall be recorded on the Registry.

    7.6 As a confidential asset of the Party, the Registry shall not be sold or made available to any person or organization outside of the Party.

    7.7 The Party Executive may make rules,
    (a) Regulating membership fees;
    (b) Governing the application, recruitment, membership and registry processes, including rules that prescribe forms or require timely communication of corrections or changes to membership information;
    (c) Governing membership renewal;
    (d) allocating fees collected through the sale of memberships, provided that a Recognized Association’s share of fees shall not be less than fourty per cent (40%);
    (e) setting deadlines for taking steps referred to in Articles 6 and 7 or related to the administration of Articles 6 and 7;
    (f) Respecting challenges to applications and the means of authenticating eligibility;
    (g) Related to residence;
    (h) Related to proof of membership, including rules that provide for standard membership cards;
    (i) Respecting the transfer of membership upon change of residence; and
    (j) subject to paragraph 7.7, governing use of the Registry.

  • Article 8 - Executive

    8.1 Any member of the Party shall be eligible for nomination and election to any of the offices shown in paragraph 8.2 for which that member is qualified. All members of the Executive must be members of the Party in order to be elected and hold office as well as be an active participant/member.

    8.2 The Executive of the Party shall consist of the following:
    (a) The Leader.
    (b) The President.
    (c) The Vice President(s). Max 2
    (d) The Chief Financial Officer – To be appointed by the Executive based off qualification and a member in good standing/active.
    (e) The Party Campaign Manager – To be appointed by the Executive based off qualification and a member in good standing/active and in place during an election period.
    (f) The Secretary – To be appointed by the Executive based off qualification and a member in good standing/active.
    (g) Fundraising & Donation Coordinator – To be appointed by the Executive based off qualification and a member in good standing/active.
    (h) Member and Volunteer Manager – To be appointed by the Executive based off qualification and a member in good standing/active.
    (i) Media Relations (Social & News) – To be appointed by the Executive based off qualification and a member in good standing/active.

    8.4 Former Leaders of the Party shall be non-paying honourary/Ex-Officio Executive members, a longstanding Leader or Executive Member over the age of 70 years young. Could be a lifetime member at no cost voted on by executive board.

    8.5 The Officers of the Party shall be any executive from 8.2. Any member of the Party shall be eligible for nomination and election to any of the aforesaid offices for which that member is qualified.

    8.6 The election of Officers shall take place at a general meeting of the Party or to save or limit spending may be done by other method such as web or email or local riding association public meetings.

    8.7 The Executive may postpones the date for a general meeting pursuant to the provisions of Article 13.

    8.8 In the event of an Officer’s resignation or failure to renew membership the remaining executive board may appoint an interim Executive until an election is completed. Which must be completed within six months from the date of resignation or six months after the 22 nd day at 11:59:59pm of their membership expiration.

    8.9 The Executive may make rules and regulations from time to time pertaining to this Constitution and subject to the provisions of this Constitution. Rules shall be posted on the Party’s website, shall be provided in writing to the President and Secretary of each Recognized Association, and shall be provided to any member on request.

    8.10 The official address of the Executive is the address of Headquarters.

    8.11 Despite paragraphs 9.1 and 9.5, no one is eligible to serve as an Officer who is an employee of, or a paid consultant engaged by, the Party or the Office of the Leader. An Officer who commences such employment or consulting arrangement shall be deemed to have resigned and the vacancy shall not be reversed.

    8.12 The President shall represent the interests of the membership to Caucus when
    Invited to do so.

    8.13 Executive positions within the Board or Recognized Associations may become a paid position IF funding allows for it. At which time 8.14 will be voted on by executives who are elected by active members.

    8.14 Intentionally left blank. (If possible future rates for 8.13)

  • Article 9 - Duties of Officers

    Duties of the Officers are as follows:

    9.1 Leader –
    The Leader shall ensure the message is put forward to all contact. Represent the party to the best of their ability. Assist and Work with all executive board to ensure all By-Laws and the constitution remain up to date and documented accordingly. Attend Leadership functions where needed. Support and back all candidates when required or requested (if possible). Be the tie breaking vote when it comes to passing motions, by-laws, constitutional changes, or any other party issues that are before the board. Ensure all executive board are fulfilling their roles. Also, see ARTICLE 20

    9.2 President –
    The President shall preside over all meetings of the Party and over every party convention. The President shall enforce the observance of this Constitution. The President shall decide all questions of order, announce the results of all votes and give the casting vote in the case of a tie at all general and special general meetings and shall be a member of all Executive Committees. The President shall call meetings of the Executive. If the President seeks re-election at a general meeting, and is opposed for re-election, the Executive shall select another Chairman to preside during the general meeting and such Chairman shall have the casting vote in the case of a tie. The President shall attend meetings of Caucus to express the views of the membership to Caucus, when invited to do so.


    (a) Vice President(s) –
    The Vice President shall act in the place and stead of the President whenever the President is absent, resigns or is unable to discharge the duties imposed by this Constitution and the Vice-President shall perform such other duties as determined from time to time by the Executive. Ranking of the Vice Presidents shall be as follows. First Vice president shall be the one with the majority votes or in the case of appointments they may be appointed to First or second at the time of appointment. If the President spot becomes available then the First Vice President will move to the President position on the Interim and the second becomes the first on the interim until an election is conducted.
    (b) Second Vice President(s) –
    Duties as assigned by executive board.

    9.4 Chief Financial Officer –
    (a) The CFO shall ensure that a full and correct record of the revenues and expenses of the Executive shall be kept.
    (b) The CFO shall cause an annual budget for the Executive to be prepared and shall present it to the Executive for approval no later than December of the year preceding the financial year to which said budget relates.
    (c) The CFO shall report on the Executives finances at each meeting.
    (d) The CFO shall deliver the financial statements of the Executive to the Presidents of Riding Associations within four (4) months following the year end to which the statements relate.
    (e) The CFO shall report on the finances of the Party at each meeting of the Executive.
    (f) The CFO shall work directly with the party Auditor to ensure all financials are provided to Elections Ontario on time and correctly. Comply with the CFO Handbook.

    9.5 The Campaign Manager –
    (a) Ensure all rules and regulations are followed as laid out by Elections Ontario when it pertains to Campaign.
    (b) Plan and coordinate Campaign, events, speeches and gatherings.
    (c) Other tasks may be assigned by the Executive Board

    9.6 Secretary –
    The Secretary shall ensure that a full and accurate record of the meetings of the Party and of the Executive shall be kept and shall communicate on a regular basis with the officers of recognized Riding Associations and other Recognized Associations. The Secretary shall ensure that full and correct notices of all meetings of the Party or the Executive are sent out.
    Shall ensure that membership applications are completed as complete as possible then issue the member a membership number and card. Then forward a copy of the application to the CFO for the issuance of Official Tax Reciepts.
    The Secretary shall perform such other duties as determined from time to time by the Executive.

    9.7 Fundraising & Donation Coordinator –
    (a) Plan and execute fundraising activities
    (b) Solicit Donations
    (c) Work to increase incoming funding
    (d) Coordinate with the CFO to work to ensure funds are in place to cover expenses.
    (e) Other tasks may be assigned by the Executive Board

    9.9 Membership and Volunteer Manager –
    (a) Plan and Organize Membership Drives
    (b) Recommend and implement ideas for increasing membership
    (c) Coordinate Members and volunteers for functions and events
    (d) Work with Member and volunteer manager from the associations.

    9.10 Media Relations –
    (a) Work as liaison between Media and Party Executive
    (b) Guide and assist Party and Recognized Associations with Media
    (c) Conduct and perform media releases
    (d) Ensuring that all statements are made in relation to accuracy and confidentiality and upon approval of the Board.
    (e) Other tasks may be assigned by the Executive Board

    9.11 Constituency Association Liaison –
    (a) Ensure the Associations are following the constitution and by-laws
    (b) Be the first contact of the Associations
    (c) Have knowledge with the Associations rules and regulations in reguards to Elections Ontario
    (d) Review Association meeting notes
    (e) Keep the board advised on the Associations dealings.

  • Article 10 - Meetings of the Executive

    10.1 Subject to paragraph 10.2, the Executive shall meet at the call of the President.

    10.2 Three (3) or more members of the Executive may cause a meeting to be called by submitting a request in writing to the Secretary who shall call a meeting within thirty (30) days of the receipt of any such request.

    10.3 Quorum for Executive meetings shall be a majority of the Officers or Four Officers whichever is greater.

    10.4 Notice of meetings of the Executive shall be given in writing to each Executive member not less than fifteen (15) days before the date of the meeting. Such notice shall state the purpose of the meeting. The President may determine that exceptional circumstances warrant shortening the notice period or dispensing with written notice.

    10.5 Meetings may be held either:
    (a) By telephone
    (b) By internet/web
    (c) In person
    (d) Other methods may be used if agreed upon by Boards Majority

  • Article 11 - Executive Committee

    11.1 Executive committee are formed and focus on:
    (a) Finance – The Finance Committee shall be chaired by the CFO. This Committee shall work with the Board and shall prepare and oversee the Executive budget and Executive fundraising programs.
    (b) Constitution – The Constitution Committee shall be chaired by The Leader. This Committee shall, from time to time, review the Constitution and if required or requested propose amendments at general or special general meetings of the Party.
    (c) Communications – The Communications Committee shall be chaired by The Media Relations and Spokesperson. This Committee shall foster communication within the Party and between the Party and the general public.
    (d) Organization – The Organization Committee shall be chaired by Secretary. The Committee shall oversee the general organization of the Party.
    (e) Membership – The Membership Committee shall be chaired by the Membership and Volunteer Manager. This Committee shall promote membership, recruitment and involvement with the Party, and shall be responsible for and administer the Registry.
    (f) Policy – The Policy Committee shall be chaired by the President. This committee shall organize an annual Policy Conference and support all Party policy development initiatives.
    (g) Nominations – The Nominations Committee shall be chaired by the President. This committee will be comprised of the Regional Vice-Presidents and other members approved by the Executive. The Committee shall administer and oversee the nomination process.
    (h) Fundraising – The Fundraising Committee shall be chaired by the Fundraising and Donation Chair. The Committee shall be responsible for promoting ongoing fundraising efforts by Recognized Riding Associations.
    (i) General Meeting Committee – The General Meeting Committee shall be chaired by the President. This committee shall organize and plan the General Meeting with provided direction from the executive board.

    11.2 The Executive may establish or dissolve special committees as it sees fit.

    11.3 All committees shall report to the Executive at a minimum every 6 months or as needed.

  • Article 12 - General Meetings

    12.1 General Meetings of the Party shall be held as may be determined by resolution of the Executive and there shall not be an interval longer than two years between general meetings. The Executive may postpone a general meeting for a period not longer than one year from the date when such meeting ought to have been held, in the event of a provincial election, or in the event of a leadership election having been called.

    12.2 Notice of a General Meeting shall be given in writing to all recognized Riding Associations and to all other recognized Associations at least ninety (90) days prior to the date of a general meeting. Such notice shall include a general statement regarding the purpose of the meeting.

    12.3 The Notice of the meeting shall include a notice detailing deficiencies in each Recognized Association’s compliance with paragraphs 4.2 and 7.5. If such notice is not given, then the condition of compliance at the commencement of subparagraph 16.2(a) shall not apply. Each such recognized Association that is not in compliance shall have 45 days from receiving the notice in which to comply.

  • Article 13 - Nature of Business at General Meetings

    13.1 The agenda for General Meetings shall include but not be limited to the following:
    (a) Election of the Officers of the Party.
    (b) The CFO’s report concerning the financial affairs of the Executive.
    (c) Session with the Leader.
    (d) Session with the President.
    (e) Constitutional amendments.
    (f) Policy Sessions.
    13.2 Additional business, as determined by the Executive, may also be included in the business of general meetings.
    13.3 The order of business shall be determined by the Executive and the Executive shall circulate an agenda to the delegates prior to the meeting.

  • Article 14 - Special General Meetings

    14.1 Special General Meetings of the Party shall be held on such dates as may be determined by resolution of the Executive.
    14.2 The Executive shall call a special general meeting and shall give notice in writing of such meeting pursuant to this Article upon receipt by the Secretary of the Party of a petition signed by at least one-third of the Riding Associations, as approved by general resolution of the membership at a general meeting of each petitioning Riding Association, calling for such special general meeting.
    14.3 Notice of a special general meeting shall be given in writing to all recognized Riding Associations and to all other Recognized Associations at least ninety (90) days prior to the date of a special general meeting. Such notice shall include a general statement regarding the purpose of the meeting.
    14.4 The nature and order of business at special general meetings of the Party shall be determined by resolution of the Executive. The Executive shall circulate an agenda to all delegates prior to the meeting.

  • Article 15 - Meeting Procedures

    15.1 Standard Parliamentary procedures shall be followed at all meetings of the Party. In the event of dispute as to any procedure at any general or special meeting of the Party, Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern.
    15.2 Standing Rules to govern the conduct of the Party shall be approved at a special or general meeting of the Party by a majority vote. For any matter not covered by such Standing Rules, Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern.
    15.3 Any motion to amend or reconsider any matter that requires a two- thirds vote shall require two-thirds of the votes cast in the affirmative in order to carry.

  • Article 16 - Delegates to Special General and General Meetings

    16.1 Despite paragraph 16.2, all delegates and alternate delegates to Special General and General Meetings must be Party members in good standing.
    16.2 Delegates to Special General and General Meetings shall be the following:
    (a) From Recognized Riding Associations that have complied with paragraphs 4.2 and 7.5 within two (2) years prior to the meeting, sixteen(16) delegates and eight (8) alternate delegates elected by the membership of each recognized Riding Association. An alternate delegate may vote in place of a delegate upon the presentation of a properly endorsed delegate identification certificate or upon certification by the Riding Association President or Secretary. Whenever possible, the delegates and alternates shall be equally divided between men and women. Association meetings for the election of delegates and alternate delegates shall be held after notice has been given in writing to the membership of the Riding Association at least fifteen (15) days before the meeting.
    (b) The current and all former Leaders.
    (c) All current and former members of Caucus.
    (d) All Northern Ontario Party candidates in the last Provincial election in Ontario, provided that if a candidate has been nominated to contest the next Provincial election in an Electoral District not represented by a Northern Ontario Party member, such nominee shall be a delegate in place and stead of the candidate in the last Provincial election.
    (g) All Northern Ontario Party candidates in the last Provincial election, provided that if a candidate has been nominated to contest the next Provincial election in an Electoral District not represented by a Northern Ontario Party member, such nominee shall be a delegate in place and stead of the candidate in the last Federal election.
    (h) Members of the Senate of Ontario representing the Northern Ontario Party.
    (i) The Executive.
    (j) The President of each recognized Riding Association,
    (k) Past Presidents of the Party,
    (l) Policy Advisory Council co-chairs.

    16.3 No member of the Party may vote to select delegates to any general or special
    General meeting in more than one Recognized Association.

    16.4 No member of the Party may be elected as a delegate from more than one Recognized Association.

  • Article 17 - Policy Conferences

    17.1 The Executive shall call a Policy Conference at least once every two years. In years when a General Meeting of the Party is to be held, the Policy Conference shall be incorporated into the General Meeting.
    17.2 In the event of a provincial election or provincial leadership election, the Executive may postpone a Policy Conference for a period not longer than six months from the date when such meeting ought to have been held.
    17.3 For all Policy Conferences, the Secretary shall give notice in writing of the meeting for the conference and the policies to be debated twenty-one (21) days in advance of the meeting.
    17.4 There shall be two categories of policy resolutions: Proposed Resolutions and Recommended Resolutions.
    17.5 Proposed Resolutions are resolutions which are being proposed for consideration by the Party’s policy development process:
    (a) Proposed Resolutions may be put forward by any member of the Party, by submitting the resolution in writing to the Chair of the Policy Committee (“Policy Chair”).
    (b) The Policy Chair shall report any Proposed Resolutions at the Policy Conference and shall refer them to the Policy Committee and the appropriate Policy Advisory Council for review.
    (c) The Policy Chair shall report at the next annual Policy Conference on the results of the review of the Proposed Resolutions.
    (d) Either a Proposed Resolution shall be presented to the annual Policy Conference as Recommended Resolution with any amendments resulting from the policy development process review or, if a Proposed Resolution is declined by the policy development process, it shall be so reported.
    (e) Where the author(s) of a Proposed Resolution request(s) a report on its status in the policy development process, the Policy Chair shall provide a report to the author(s) within sixty (60) days of receipt by the Policy Chair of the request.

    17.6 Recommended Resolutions are resolutions which have been analyzed by the Party’s policy development process and have been recommended for adoption by the Policy Committee or have been called up by majority vote of the delegates present and voting at the next Policy Conference.
    17.7 Recommended Resolutions passed at annual Policy Conferences shall constitute the foundation on which Party policy and legislation is developed until the next Policy Conference.

  • Article 18 - Policy Advisory Council

    18.1 There shall be one or more Policy Advisory Councils. Policy Advisory Councils shall be inclusive and represent a process that enables all members of the Party to suggest policies for the Party. The Policy Chair shall be responsible for this process.
    18.2 Each Policy Advisory Council shall be chaired by two Co-Chairs. These Co-Chairs will be appointed annually by a joint recommendation of the Policy Chair and the President.
    18.3 Members of Caucus shall be invited to sit on all Policy Advisory Councils. The Party Critic/Minister shall be an automatic member of the related Policy Advisory Council and be expected to attend a minimum of four (4) meetings a year.
    18.4 All members of the Party are eligible to participate as a member on a Policy Advisory Council. Non-members of the Party may be asked to participate in the work of a Policy Advisory Council in an advisory capacity at the discretion of the Co-Chairs.
    18.5 The process to join a Policy Advisory Council is to submit an application form to the Policy Chair. Applications to serve on Policy Advisory Councils shall be reviewed by the Policy Committee and the relevant Co-Chairs. Everyone approved by the Policy Committee shall become a member of the appropriate Policy Advisory Council.
    18.6 There shall be a Policy Committee of the Party, chaired by the Policy Chair and including the Leader, the President, the co-chairs of each Policy Advisory Council, the Provincial Campaign Chair(s) and Manager(s) of the Party (if any), the Executive Director of the Party (if any).
    18.7 The Policy Committee of the Party shall ensure that the Party’s policy development process is maintained as a meaningful and effective instrument for the development of policy consistent with the principles of the Party.
    18.8 All Riding Associations are encouraged to establish Riding Policy Advisory
    Councils as an integral part of the Party’s policy development process.

  • Article 19 - Party Headquarters

    19.1 The Party shall maintain as Headquarters the central location where Party matters are administered.
    19.2 The role of the Headquarters staff is to assist in the operation of the Party.
    19.3 Members of the Headquarters staff must remain neutral in all leadership elections, nomination conventions and matters voted on at general meetings and meetings of Recognized Associations, and Headquarters shall only be used for neutral purposes. If the party does not own, rent, or lease an office, then the office address will be at the CFO’s address.

  • Article 20 - The Leader

    20.1 There shall be a Leader of the Party who shall, subject to this Constitution, be
    Responsible for the overall direction of the Party.

    20.2 The responsibilities of the Leader include:
    (a) Speaking and acting on behalf of the Party as its chief public official;
    (b) Promoting the Party, its principles and policies, while providing the overall vision and direction for the Party;
    (c) Ensuring the development of the election platform consistent with policies approved by the Party;
    (d) Conducting the election campaign in a manner that best earns the support of all Northern Ontarians, while respecting the principles and policies of the Party;
    (e) Reporting to, and carrying out an accountability session with, the membership at every General and Special General Meeting;
    (f) Reporting to the Executive at least quarterly; and
    (g) Nominating the Executive Director of the Party subject to ratification by the Executive.

    20.3 The Leader shall obtain the ratification of the Party election platform, both from the Caucus and from the Policy Committee of the Party as constituted in Section 18.6, prior to its public release.

    20.4 In the event the Executive has a split decision the Leader will cast the deciding vote.

  • Article 21 - Interim Leader

    21.1 Upon the death, retirement or resignation of the Leader, and until the completion of the leadership election, the Executive shall elect an interim Leader who shall be recognized as the Leader by the Party.

    21.2 If the Executive is unable to select an interim Leader in the circumstances described in paragraph 21.1, a meeting of the Executive shall make such selection.

  • Article 22 - Leadership/Board Review/Confidence Vote

    22.1 At the first general meeting of the Party following an Ontario general election in which the Caucus does not form the Government of Ontario, and only at such meeting, the delegates shall be asked by secret ballot: “Do you wish to have a leadership election?”

    22.2 In the event that 50% plus 1 or more of the votes cast are in the affirmative, the Executive shall call a leadership election and such election shall occur at the earliest convenient date as determined by the Executive.

  • Article 23 - Leadership Election

    23.1 Within eighteen (18) months of any event referred to in Article 23 or 24, or at the request of the Leader, the Executive shall call a leadership election.

    23.2 Voting in a leadership election shall be scheduled to conclude no earlier than sixty (60) days and no later than six (6) months after the date on which the Executive called the election.

    23.3 A leadership election shall respect the principle that each member of the Party has a right to one vote, and that the Executive shall ensure that the right to vote of each Party member is respected in any rules governing the leadership election.

    23.4 For the purposes of this Article, except paragraph 23.9, “member of the Party” shall mean a member of the Party as of a cut-off date determined in the leadership election rules. The cut-off date shall not be earlier than the mid-point between the date the election is called and the date voting is scheduled to conclude.

    23.5 Members of the Party recorded on the Registry comprise the voters’ list.

    23.6 The Executive shall appoint election officials and establish a committee to administer the leadership election. Upon appointment, all committee members and election officials shall undertake in writing to remain neutral throughout the entire leadership election.

    23.7 The Executive shall make rules governing the leadership election. The election officials and committee shall have exclusive authority to interpret and apply the rules and to issue guidelines for their interpretation and application.

    23.8 The Executive shall ensure that draft leadership election rules are at all times available and up-to-date, and at least once between general meetings shall undertake a complete review of the draft rules. These draft rules shall be posted on the Party Website, shall be provided in writing to the Presidents and Secretaries of all recognized associations, and shall be provided to any member upon request.

    23.9 Each candidate for Leader must be a member of the Party and must be nominated and seconded in writing by members of the Party. Each nomination must be endorsed in writing by a minimum of 20 members of the Party, not more than ten of whom may reside in the same Electoral District.
    23.10 The election of a Leader shall be conducted by secret ballot.

    23.11 Contributions to leadership contestants must be reported on at least a monthly basis to the CFO. Twenty per cent (20%) of all funds collected must be transferred to the Board and accompany the report. In any event, the total monies transferred shall equal twenty per cent (20%) of the total contributions reported in the candidate’s final report under the Election Finances Act.

  • Article 24 - Leadership Voting Process

    24.1 Voting shall open on the same day across the province.
    24.2 Votes on any ballot, including votes cast at any advance polls, shall be counted at the same time.
    24.3 The election officials and committee may establish more than one voting station in an Electoral District or may combine the voting stations of two or more Electoral Districts at a common location.
    24.4 Party members’ votes shall be assigned to the Electoral Districts in which they reside.
    24.5 For the purpose of apportioning ballot results among the candidates, each Electoral District shall be assigned up to 50 Electoral Votes.
    24.6 Upon the completion of a ballot, the votes cast in each Electoral District shall be counted. If 50 or fewer votes have been cast, each candidate shall receive Electoral Votes equal to the number of votes cast for the candidate. Otherwise, each candidate shall receive Electoral Votes equivalent to the percentage of votes cast for the candidate.
    24.7 A candidate receiving more than half of the Electoral Votes province-wide is
    Elected the Leader.

    24.8 On a ballot, the candidate receiving the lowest number of Electoral Votes and any candidate receiving less than 10 per cent (10%) of Electoral Votes shall not proceed to the next ballot.

    24.9 In the event that no candidate is elected, another ballot shall be taken. Ballots
    Shall continue to be taken until a Leader is elected.

    24.10 Notwithstanding any provision in this constitution that voting shall open on the same day across the Province, the Executive is required to make provisions in the leadership election rules for an advance poll, preferential ballot and/or other means in order to ensure that the voting process is accessible and respects the rights of all members to cast their votes.

    24.11 If the rules prescribe preferential voting, paragraphs 24.2, 24.7, 24.8 and 24.9 apply with necessary modifications.

  • Article 25 - Protests

    25.1 Any ten (10) members of an Electoral District who support the Principles and Objects of the Party may protest any matter respecting the conduct of the affairs of the Riding Association by submitting a complaint in writing to the President and Secretary of the Party.
    25.2 Upon receipt of such a written complaint, the President or Secretary shall forthwith notify the executive of the recognized Riding Association, and such executive may submit a response in writing to the President or Secretary of the Party within the time specified in the notice.

    25.3 The Executive shall then determine whether the conduct of the affairs of the recognized Riding Association is consistent with the provisions of this Constitution and the constitution of the recognized Riding Association and will forthwith communicate its decision to the complainants and to the executive of the recognized Riding Association.

    25.4 In the event that the Executive determines that the conduct of the affairs of the recognized Riding Association is inconsistent with the provisions of this Constitution or the constitution of the recognized Riding Association, recognition may be withdrawn from the Riding Association and such Riding Association shall thereupon cease to be a recognized Riding Association for the purposes of this Constitution. The procedure employed by the Executive with respect to the review of the conduct of the Riding Associations shall be in accordance with the principles of natural justice.

    25.5 Any person seeking nomination at a convention called by a recognized Riding Association for the purpose of the nomination of a candidate to the Legislature may protest any matter in respect of the convention by submitting a complaint in writing within five (5) days to the Secretary of the Party.

    25.6 The Executive shall meet to consider the complaint and shall forthwith communicate its decision to the person seeking nomination.

  • Article 26 - Jurisdiction

    26.1 The decision of the Executive in respect of any such complaint shall be final and not subject to further protest.
    26.2 In all cases the provisions of the constitutions of Recognized Associations shall be governed by the provisions of this Constitution.

  • Article 27 - Amendments

    27.1 This Constitution may be amended by at least two-thirds of the votes cast at a general meeting or a special general meeting of the Party.
    27.2 Amendments may be proposed by the Constitution Committee, or by ten (10) members of the Party acting together, and who collectively reside in no less than five different ridings
    27.3 Proposed amendments shall be sent to the Secretary forty-five (45) days in
    Advance of the meeting at which it is proposed to present such amendments.

    27.4 The Secretary shall send all such proposed amendments twenty-one (21) days in advance of the meeting to all members of the Executive and to the Presidents and Secretaries of all recognized Associations.

    27.5 Each registered delegate to the general or special general meeting at which amendments to the Constitution are proposed shall be sent such proposed amendments fourteen (14) days prior to the date of such general or special general meeting.

  • Article 28 - President′s Council

    28.1 The Party President shall establish a council, to be known as the Presidents’ Council, to be comprised of the Party President (Chair), the Party Secretary, the Regional Vice-Presidents, and the presidents of each Recognized Riding Association or their delegates, in addition to such other member(s) of the Executive as are determined by the President.

    28.2 The purpose of the Presidents’ Council will be to provide to the President with feedback and opinion from Recognized Riding Associations within an informal forum setting.
    28.3 The Presidents’ Council shall meet at least once in each four month period.
    28.4 The Presidents’ Council may make use of telecommunications and/or web-based technology in assembling and holding meetings.
    28.5 The President may elect to meet with the presidents of Recognized Riding Associations in any one region (as defined from time to time by the Executive in accordance with s. 9.2(e) herein) at a time, provided that if the President elects to hold such regional meetings, regional meetings must be held in each region of the province in order for the Presidents’ Council to be deemed to have met.

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