Press Release: Francophones Matter & NOP’s New Deputy Leader

For immediate release.

Due to the neglect the Ford government has put upon the Francophone community, the Northern Ontario Party Executive Board has appointed Shawn P. Poirier (Interim Vice President and 2018 Timiskaming-Cochrane Candidate) as the Deputy League of the Party.

Shawn Poirier’s passion for Norhtern Ontario and ALL people of Northern Ontario has been proven time and again. He has already assisted the party in becoming a fully bilingual party and continues to assist or lead any questions and interviews as needed.

Ford has taken aim at the Francophone community, which Northern Ontario holds close as it is part of what makes Northern Ontario so amazing. Northern Ontarians attend French school all the way through, and then at university they are forced to attend English courses. This is discrimination and the middle finger to Northern Ontario’s Francophone community. (Learn more)

Many new changes and adaptations will be coming in 2019 for the Northern Ontario Party to ensure the party is ready for the next election which is about ALL Northern Ontarians First!

-Trevor Holliday

Northern Ontario Party Leader

Recolonized: A Letter from Trevor Holliday, NOP Leader

Northern Ontario is again being slashed, cut and treated even more like a colony!

Doug Ford has started the bulldozer in Toronto headed for Northern Ontario and is leaving a path of destruction in its wake. It started with plans to download the TTC onto the province which will cost Northerners to fund it.

Read on forcing Northerners to pay for the TTC at the CBC.

Followed by yet another broken promise of no public sector job cuts. With the cuts to health care funding not only service was cut but jobs as well.

Read more on job cuts at the CBC.

A freeze to public sector workers which further eliminates the chance to improve service, support and Employment in Northern Ontario.

Read more on the public sector hiring freeze at The Globe and Mail.

$100 million funding cut for cuts to repairs for schools.

Read more on school repair cuts at Global News.

Then sadly Ford takes aim at the Francophone community, which Northern Ontario holds close as it is part of what makes Northern Ontario so amazing. They attend French school all the way through and then at university they are forced to attend English courses. This is discrimination and the middle finger to Northern Ontario’s Francophone community.

Read more on the French University cancellation at The Globe and Mail.

With less than six months as premier, Doug Ford is on track to surpass the destruction that Kathleen Wynne and the Liberals had caused. With over three years left in power what will be left of Northern Ontario and which community or part of beautiful Northern Ontario will Ford run down next.

Trevor Holliday
Northern Ontario Party Leader